Woohoo! Go here and click on the green "Pledge Now" button in the upper right corner to take the Good Egg Project's pledge to live more healthfully and to give back to the community. After doing so, you will have the chance to print a BOGO dozen eggs coupon (up to $1.50 in value). Mine has an expiration date of 11/30/2010, so I'll have a long time to use it. I really love it when I can get a coupon for a staple like eggs! Hopefully there will be a sale on eggs in the near future!
(Thanks, Hip2Save)
Hi Leah! I went to the link and pledged... but I can't find the coupon!
ReplyDeleteHi Marie! Hmmm, I think the coupons went really fast, so maybe they were already gone by the time you did it? When I pledged early this morning, on the next screen there was a green "Get Coupon" button that I clicked to get my coupon. Sorry it didn't work for you!
ReplyDeleteYou're probably right. Early bird gets the worm! Ehh... egg!